The etiology of FD has not been thoroughly studied, the only known risk factor is increased age. The specific anatomy and physiology of the cornea will not be discussed in-depth, mainly focusing on the clinical picture and medical management of FD. The article will also emphasize the importance of identifying other corneal degenerations and differentiating FD from other pathologies. This article will focus on the history and physical examination found in most patients with FD. A few case studies have been conducted that show the natural progression of the disease however, due to its rarity, many questions remain unanswered. Patients with FD will not experience any changes in vision due to the circumferential thinning that occurs evenly throughout the cornea. Unlike many other corneal degenerative diseases, furrow degeneration lacks true vascularization and inflammation as part of the pathological pathway, leading to a painless, and asymptomatic, thinning of the peripheral cornea with a low risk of perforation and little need for medical follow up.

Very little focus has been made on further examining the pathophysiology and etiology of furrow degeneration, possibly due to its benign course. FD is characterized by a decreasing width of the peripheral cornea between the arcus senilis and limbus. It is most commonly referred to as furrow degeneration however, many articles interchangeably use senile furrow degeneration of cornea, corneal furrow degeneration, or age-related marginal corneal degeneration when referring to FD.
Explain how to differentiate furrow degeneration from other corneal thinning pathologies based on history and physical.Outline the theorized pathophysiology of furrow degeneration.Review the epidemiology of furrow degeneration.It will highlight the role of the interprofessional team. The article will focus on the epidemiology, theorized pathophysiology, and clinical presentation of FD. Furrow degeneration (FD) is a rare pathology consisting of circumferential non-progressive corneal thinning leading to an evenly distributed tensile strength across the cornea.